京都大学瀬戸臨海実験所 100周年記念(2022)

平成23年(2011年) 文部科学省の教育関係共同利用拠点「黒潮海域における海洋生物の自然史科学に関するフィールド教育共同利用拠点」に認定
平成26年(2014年) 水族館の耐震工事・改修工事の竣工
平成3年(2021年) 研究棟の全面改修の竣工と第二研究棟の完成。
1922 (July 28th) Established as a marine biological research station of the Faculty of Science, Kyoto Imperial University in the area called Kikyou Daira of Bansho Zaki Cape by purchasing the land from Seto Kanayama Town.
1930 (June 1st) Started opening of aquarium rooms to the public in memorial of the visit of Showa Emperor, Hirohito (start of Shirahama Aquarium).
1937 Renamed as Seto Marine Biological Laboratory. The first director was Prof. Taku Komai.
1955 Shirahama Aquarium was designated as a museum-equivalent institution.
1968 Purchased Hatake-Jima Island in Tanabe Bay as an experimental field.
1981 Renovation of buildngs started
1983 Renovation of the research building and the dormitory completed.
1993 Renovation of the buildings 1, 3, 4 of Shirahama Aquarium completed.
2003 Reorganized into a part of the Field Science Education and Research Center, Kyoto University
2011 Designated as a "Joint Usage and Research Center" by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
2014 Renovation of Shirahama Aquarium building
2021 Renovation of the research building and construction of a new research building.